UPSC Mains Answer Writing: Techniques to Enhance Your Writing Skills
UPSC Mains Answer Writing is one of the major parts of the Civil services exam. The UPSC Mains Exam includes 9 papers, one of which is the Essay Paper. The Essay Paper is divided into sections A and B, each offering four topics. Candidates must choose one topic from each section, with each essay carrying […]
How to Effectively Utilize Daily Current Affairs and Editorials for UPSC Preparation?
Daily Current Affairs and Editorials For UPSC is the most important part of UPSC syllabus. Start your UPSC journey with Raj IAS Academy!
PCS coaching in chandigarh
Since its founding, Raj IAS Academy has been one of the oldest institutions providing the best PCS coaching in Chandigarh, achieving amazing outcomes each and every year. The Punjab Civil Service has always been our youth’s ideal career path. Each year, the competitive landscape in the civil service change. With its PCS coaching in Chandigarh, […]