chandigarh branch
delhi branch

14th August 2024

14th August 2024

1 / 5

Which of the following is/are correct about Canine Distemper Virus?

  1. It causes a highly contagious and life-threatening disease in dogs.
  2. It infects the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems.

Select the correct codes from below -

2 / 5

The AUKUS agreement, while having significant implications for the Indo-Pacific region, has also elicited concerns and criticisms. Which of the following is NOT a concern associated with AUKUS?

3 / 5

With reference to aerogels and xerogels, consider the following statements:

  1. Both aerogels and xerogels are derived from gels through a drying process.
  2. Aerogels are typically produced under supercritical conditions, while xerogels are formed through ambient drying.
  3. Xerogels exhibit higher porosity compared to aerogels due to their unique drying process.
  4. Applications of both materials span catalysis, adsorption, and drug delivery systems.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

4 / 5

Consider the following statements regarding the cultural evolution of the Jewish community in Kerala:

  1. The Paradesi Jews, despite their foreign origins, adopted Malayalam as their primary language and integrated many local customs into their practices.
  2. The Malabar Jews, also known as Black Jews, maintained a stricter adherence to traditional Jewish laws and customs, leading to social distinctions within the community.
  3. Intermarriage between the Paradesi and Malabar Jews was common, contributing to a gradual blurring of the lines between the two groups.
  4. The synagogue architecture in Kerala reflects a blend of Indian and European influences, showcasing the community's unique cultural fusion.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

5 / 5

Consider the following statements regarding the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF):

  1. Participation in NIRF rankings is mandatory for all higher educational institutions in India.
  2. The NIRF ranking methodology encompasses five broad parameters, including 'Teaching, Learning, and Resources' and 'Research and Professional Practice', each carrying equal weightage.
  3. The NIRF rankings significantly influence students' and parents' choices in selecting institutions for higher education.
  4. In the NIRF 2024 rankings, institutions from neighboring countries were also included for the first time.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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