To do well on the UPSC, you need to know a lot about recent events. We use The Hindu's insightful research to help you prepare here at Raj IAS Academy.
Keep up to date and ahead of the game: consistency is key. Our daily film analysis makes sure you know about the newest events. This all-around method not only improves your knowledge of current events, but it also makes your critical thinking skills stronger, which are both very helpful for the UPSC exam.
In our daily video analysis, which you can watch on YouTube and our website, our expert faculty breaks down editorials and news stories going beyond the headlines. We break down the main points, counterpoints, and possible solutions that are put forward, giving you a full picture of important problems.
We don't work in separate areas. We make sure that current events are carefully linked to the UPSC course. For example, a study of economic policy might look at how it affects reducing poverty, which connects current events to the main topic of Governance.
Our research will teach you how to think critically about government plans and programs. We tell you what their pros and cons are so you can form well-rounded views for your UPSC essays and mains answers.
Consistency is key. Our daily film analysis makes sure you know about the newest events. This all-around method not only improves your knowledge of current events, but it also makes your critical thinking skills stronger, which are both very helpful for the UPSC exam.
Raj Malhotra’s IAS (One of the leading IAS Coaching Institutes) has envisioned. The team behind this endeavor is a combination of experience and youth.