chandigarh branch
delhi branch

23th July 2024

Raj malhotra

23th July 2024

1 / 5

Consider the following countries -

  1. Russia
  2. Norway
  3. Sweden
  4. Estonia

How many of the above mentioned countries are bounded by the Barents Sea?

2 / 5

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the the ‘UN Economic and Social Council’?

  1. It is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations formed in the year 1945.
  2. All the United Nations General Assembly Members are the ex-officio members of the UN ECOSOC.

Select the correct codes from below -

3 / 5

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about ‘patents’ in India?

  1. India follows the process patent regime whereby the patents are accorded on the basis of the process involved in the manufacturing of a product.
  2. In a product patent regime, the rights to the final product is protected and anyone other than the patent holder can be restrained from manufacturing the product during a specified period.

Select the correct codes from below -

4 / 5

Which of the following legislations are supervised by the ‘Office of Controller General of

Patents, Designs and Trademarks’?

5 / 5

Consider the following statements regarding India's agricultural challenges:

  1. Small landholdings impede the adoption of modern farming techniques, leading to reduced productivity.
  2. The lack of adequate storage and cold chain facilities contributes to post-harvest losses and increases production costs for farmers.
  3. Climate change and natural disasters, such as floods and droughts, are significant factors causing crop losses and increasing risks for farmers.
  4. Farmers have widespread access to modern technology and research, facilitating the adoption of innovative practices.

Which of the above statements are correct?

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