chandigarh branch
delhi branch

24th December 2024

Raj malhotra

24th December 2024

1 / 5

Consider the following statements regarding the Rann Utsav:
1. It is organized annually by the Gujarat Tourism Department in the Little Rann of Kutch.
2. The festival celebrates the cultural heritage of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

2 / 5

Which of the following statements best describes the working principle of a speed gun?

3 / 5

Consider the following statements regarding India-Kuwait relations:
1. Kuwait is India's largest crude oil supplier in the Gulf region.
2. The Indian Rupee was a legal tender in Kuwait until 1961.
3. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit in 2024 was the first by an Indian Prime Minister to Kuwait.
4. India and Kuwait have signed a comprehensive defence agreement covering joint military exercises.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

4 / 5

With reference to the Fourth Branch Institutions in India, consider the following statements:
1. These institutions function independently of the executive, legislature, and judiciary.
2. The Central Information Commission (CIC) is considered a Fourth Branch Institution.
3. The Constitution explicitly defines and categorizes these institutions as the "Fourth Branch."
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

5 / 5

Consider the following statements regarding the Telecommunications (Procedures and Safeguards for Lawful Interception of Messages) Rules, 2024:
1. The rules replace Rule 419A of the Indian Telegraph Rules, 1951.
2. The Union Home Secretary and State Home Department Secretaries are the sole authorities empowered to order message interception.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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