Explanation - Unlike branded liquor which is produced in factories with sophisticated equipment and rigorous quality control, hooch is made in more crude settings (in many cases homemade) without any quality checks. The fermented mixture which is to be distilled contains more than just consumable alcohol (ethanol). It also contains methanol (CH3OH), a different form of alcohol which is highly toxic for human beings. During the distillation, both ethanol (boiling point of 78.37 °C) and methanol (boiling point of 64.7 °C) are concentrated. The end product can have a high concentration of methanol (instead of harmless trace amounts), which is poisonous and can also cause cerebral edema (swelling of the brain), haemorrhage, and death.
Explanation - Unlike branded liquor which is produced in factories with sophisticated equipment and rigorous quality control, hooch is made in more crude settings (in many cases homemade) without any quality checks. The fermented mixture which is to be distilled contains more than just consumable alcohol (ethanol). It also contains methanol (CH3OH), a different form of alcohol which is highly toxic for human beings. During the distillation, both ethanol (boiling point of 78.37 °C) and methanol (boiling point of 64.7 °C) are concentrated. The end product can have a high concentration of methanol (instead of harmless trace amounts), which is poisonous and can also cause cerebral edema (swelling of the brain), haemorrhage, and death.