chandigarh branch
delhi branch

6th March 2025

Raj malhotra

6th March 2025

1 / 5

Match the following quantum technology initiatives with their respective countries:
List-I                                                           List-II
A. National Quantum Mission              1. United States
B. $15 billion investment                       2. China
C. USMCA-linked funding                    3. India
D. Frugal innovation focus                   4. Canada

2 / 5

Which factors contribute to seagrass degradation in India?
1. Expansion of shrimp aquaculture in the Gulf of Mannar.
2. Sedimentation from upstream agricultural runoff in the Gulf of Kutch.
3. Tourism-driven coastal development in Lakshadweep.
4. Overgrazing by herbivorous fish in Palk Bay.

3 / 5

Which statements about the Malabar large-spotted civet (Viverra civettina) are incorrect?
1. It is endemic to the Eastern Ghats and classified as “Endangered” under the IUCN Red List.
2. Its survival is threatened by habitat fragmentation due to coffee plantations in Karnataka.
3. The species’ cat-like appearance and arboreal habits distinguish it from other Indian civets.
4. Conservation efforts prioritize captive breeding over habitat restoration in Kerala.

4 / 5

Consider the following statements regarding systemic vulnerabilities in India's NBFC sector:
1. Infrastructure financing NBFC's exposure to structurally inefficient sectors like power amplifies their susceptibility to economic disruptions.
2. Unlike private NBFCs, state-owned NBFCs adhere strictly to RBI's large exposure framework, reducing their systemic vulnerability.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

5 / 5

Consider the following statements regarding foreclosure charges waiver for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs):
1. RBI’s proposed waiver applies uniformly to all financial institutions irrespective of their asset size.
2. The proposal mandates complete transparency by prohibiting hidden or retrospective charges.
3. The waiver benefit applies exclusively when loans are in fixed-rate mode during prepayment.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?

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