chandigarh branch
delhi branch

3rd March 2025

Raj malhotra

3rd March 2025

1 / 4

Which of the following statements regarding the Waqf Act of 1995 is/are correct?
1. The Waqf Act of 1995 provides for the establishment of Central and State Waqf Boards to administer waqf properties.
2. Under the Waqf Act of 1995, a waqf property can be permanently transferred to a private individual with the consent of the State Waqf Board.
3. The Waqf Act of 1995 mandates that the income generated from waqf properties must be used for religious or charitable purposes as defined by the Act.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

2 / 4

Which of the following provisions are included in the "WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control" (FCTC)?
1. Implementing measures to reduce tobacco demand and supply.
2. Prohibition of all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship.
3. Providing guidelines for the regulation of tobacco packaging and labelling.
4. Encouraging the establishment of tobacco industries in low-income countries to boost their economies.
Select the correct codes from below

3 / 4

Consider the following statements regarding the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI):
1. The AWBI was established under the provisions of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, and it started functioning in 1962 under the leadership of Smt. Rukmini Devi Arundale.
2. The primary mandate of the AWBI is to promote animal welfare and protect animals from unnecessary pain or suffering.
3. The headquarters of the AWBI is located in Ballabhgarh, Haryana, and it advises both the central and state governments on matters related to animal welfare.
4. The AWBI has the authority to directly prosecute individuals or organisations involved in cruelty to animals.
5. The Board consists of 28 members, including representatives from government organisations, animal rights activists, and parliamentarians, with each member serving a term of 3 years.
Which of the statements given above are correct?

4 / 4

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct about the ‘Human Immunodeficiency Virus’?
1. It is an infection that attacks the immune system of the body by destroying the T-Cells.
2. It can be transmitted from a mother to her infant through the breastmilk.
Select the correct codes from below

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