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delhi branch

22nd October 2024

Raj malhotra

22nd October 2024

1 / 5

In the context of the Universal Postal Union, which of the following statements is

2 / 5

Consider the following statements about the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and climate finance:
1. The UNFCCC defines climate finance as exclusively public funding for climate
change mitigation.
2. The principle of "Common but Differentiated Responsibility and Respective
Capabilities" (CBDR) is not applicable to climate finance.
3. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) was established under the UNFCCC to
support developing countries.
4. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) acts as an operating entity of the
UNFCCC's financial mechanism.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

3 / 5

According to the information provided, what is the estimated amount of external
climate finance needed annually by developing countries (excluding China) by
2030, as determined by a high-level expert group at COP26 and COP27?

4 / 5

With reference to the Copenhagen Accord and climate finance, consider the
following statements —
1. The Copenhagen Accord aimed to mobilise $100 billion annually by 2020 to
assist developing nations in combating climate change.
2. One of the challenges in fulfilling this commitment has been the over-reporting
of climate finance, where developed countries report actual disbursals rather than
3. A large proportion of climate finance is provided as loans rather than grants,
which has raised concerns about increasing the debt burden of developing
Select the correct codes from below -

5 / 5

With reference to India's coal sector, consider the following statements —
1. India’s coal reserves have continued to grow, with an estimated total
exceeding 370 billion tonnes in 2023.
2. Despite a significant increase in domestic coal production, India remains
reliant on coal imports, particularly for coking coal used in the steel sector.
3. Under India’s current import policy, coal import is restricted to only specific
industries, such as the steel and power sectors.
Select the correct codes from below -

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